- 事業団主催
- 演劇
- 音楽
- 未就学児入場不可
Opera is one of the art form to enrich your life. It is like a nice cup of coffee after a hard day of work, or like a cup of cold water after hours of walking through a desert. Please come visit the class if you are interested. I’m sure you will enjoy it. The class will be presented for people who have little or no experience with operas. It is not just talks. We will be watching video with English subtitle. (This course is taught in English, but anyone with an interest in opera is welcome.)
Presenter Ohska, Tokio Kenneth 大須賀 鬨雄(おおすか ときお)
Canadian citizen. Opera stage director/singer and also a physicist.
Studied opera stage directing at the College of DuPage (Illinois, U.S.A.) under Professor Harold Bauer. In 2007, he was the stage director at the Silesian Theatre in Czech republic and produced the opera "Yuzuru". This performance was highly praised by opera critics of Czech republic. He has been giving opera classes for the last 20 years in Japan. For many years, he has been helping non-Japanese citizens in Tsukuba having difficulties due to cultural differences. He received an award from the Minister of Internal Affairs for his contributions to Tsukuba City.
名古屋市出身でカナダ国籍のオペラ演出家、歌手、そして素粒子物理学博士。デュぺージ大学(アメリカ イリノイ州)でオペラ舞台演出特別コースを修了。2007年、チェコと日本でオペラ『夕鶴』を演出し、チェコで2007年度に上演されたオペラで最高の評価を受けた。オペラの素晴らしさを知ってもらうため、20年以上各地でオペラ講座をしてきた。また、長年つくば市で多文化共生に取り組んできたことで総務大臣表彰を受けている。
日時 | Sun. Oct 13 13:30~15:30(Start accepting 13:00) 10月13日(日) 13:30~15:30(受付開始13:00) |
会場 | Nagoya International Center 3F Lecture Room 1 (名古屋国際センター3階 第1研修室) Nagoya-shi Nakamura-ku Nagono 1-47-1 (中村区那古野1-47-1) |
料金 |
1,000 Yen(Please pay in cash at the venue.) 1,000円(開場にて現金でお支払いください。) |
問合せ | Information:NAGOYA CITY NISHI PLAYHOUSE Opera course staff (問合せ:西文化小劇場オペラ講座担当) Mail:nisi@bunka758.or.jp Tel:052-523-0080 Telephone inquiries will be answered in Japanese. (電話でのお問合せは日本語での対応です。) |
チケット購入・申し込み | Please apply below. (下記よりお申し込みください。) |
主催 公益財団法人名古屋市文化振興事業団[西文化小劇場]
協力 公益財団法人名古屋国際センター